Penny (My Mother)
I was raised by a single mother who relied heavily on her relationship with God to survive. In fact, when I was born, she wrote a letter to God asking Him to help her raise me. We tend to sigh when we hear that someone is a single mother. Though my earthly father chose to be absent from my life, it magnified and highlighted the power, love and faithfulness of my Heavenly Father. This doesn’t negate the fact that negligent parents and family units are destroyed through broken relationships, tragic events, toxicity, or systemic oppression. It does however mean that even in the circumstance of seeming fatherless, we DO have a Father who has loved us before we were conceived. He shows up. He never breaks His promise. AND He left a book of instructions that serve as documentation of His Spirit in the lives of others throughout this earth.
When a mother partners with Him, our Heavenly Father, the relationship becomes supernatural. She learns that her resources are from a supernatural Source. She is a witness to His great love. He initiated His love and she has partnered with the Great One. The very truth is, when any of us partners with the Most High, our relationship is supernatural. We have access to His great love and the privilege of being called His children. He walks with us day by day arranging and guiding our lives according to His will and perfect plan of love.
“My walk with the Lord has provided me with courage, strength, discovery and renewed hope as a woman. My walk with the Lord has provided me with love, guidance, joy, laughter, faith and emotions as a mother.”
Children- 1 daughter and 2 sons
This is my Aunt Cristie. Minister, prophetess, mother, auntie, friend. She is beautiful and real with arms made for hugging life into you. Though she lives in New York and I live in Japan, our bond is strong. She has been supportive and discerning, helping me to stay encouraged and represent the Lord everyday. When she loves, she loves wholly. She has no agenda but to point our attention to our Heavenly Father, that we may walk as sons and daughters of His kingdom.
子供― 娘1人息子2人
“As a woman it has taught me LOVE never dies. My relationship with GOD has authenticated my being. It has caused me to embrace me who HE blueprinted. As HIS daughter, I live out loud in HIS image and likeness, freely.”
“ 女性として、愛は決して死なないと教えられてきた。神との関係は私そのものを造り上げてくれた。神が設計図を描いてくださった自分というものを大切に思うことができた。彼(神)の娘として、彼の描いてくださったイメージと好意を受け、自由にそして存分に自分の人生を生きようと思う。”
Children-1 son, 1 daughter
This is Noriko, my friend and devoted sister in Christ. We absolutely love to talk about God together and marvel at what He is doing. I first met Noriko during a group art exhibition we participated in at the Meguro Museum. She made beautiful paintings and we got to admire each other's artwork. She is an excellent architect and also blessed with the ability to enjoy painting like a fine artist.
I admire her poise, strength, genuine kindness, passion for women’s empowerment and advocacy to love and protect animals. She encourages me to grow in studying God’s word, encourages me to pursue my dreams and appreciate the blessings around me.
子供― 息子1人娘1人
Having 2 children of my own, my concern has always been the welfare of the children of the world. I believe also that every one of us is a child of someone and a precious creation of God. Therefore, I desire to treat others as I hope others would treat my own children. "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Matthew 7:12 / Luke 6:31
Children-2 daughters
This is Tahirih, beautiful friend and sister in Christ. I met Tahirih during a party called The Cookout at the Legacy Lounge in Azabu Juban. She was a guest singer at the party and we connected because we are both New Yorkers. We reminisced about NYC and Brooklyn which made me feel at home.
When she sang on stage I was amazed at how she brought the crowd together. She is supportive, has a kind heart, a great smile and is so easy to talk to. I admire her ability to light up the room and be humble at the same time. She is “girl power”.
子供― 娘2人
“My walk with the Lord has impacted me as a woman & mother with Living In My Purpose. I asked God to set our paths with our natural gifts and talents. God has spoken to my heart to treat others as I want to be treated, Love Thy Neighbor.” I always rest in Psalm 25: “To You Oh Lord I Lift Up My Soul. In You I Trust Oh My God. Do Not Let Me Be Put To Shame Nor Let My Enemies Triumph Over Me..”.
主との歩みは、女性そして母親としての人生の目的に影響を与えてくれました。 私は神にいただいたギフトを用いながら進む私たちの道を整えてくださるようにお願いしました。すると神は、「自分が他人からされたいと思うことを周りの人にもするように。あなたの隣人を愛しなさい」と私の心に語られました。” いつも詩篇25篇より安らぎを得ています:”主よ、わたしの魂はあなたを仰ぎ望み わたしの神よ、あなたに依り頼みます。どうか、わたしが恥を受けることのないように 敵が誇ることのないようにしてください。”
Children-1 son
This is LaTonya, chef, singer, mother, friend and sister in Christ. I first met LaTonya while having a meal at her restaurant, Soul Food House. I thought I was only coming to eat the foods I missed from my home country. Little did I know, the Lord was setting me up to meet my sister in Christ. Over the years we have shared our experiences, dreams, fears and hopes.
We encourage each other to grow and press on and take risks. Her kindness, humility and transparency make her easy to love. Her spirit brings people together from all walks of life. I am grateful to know her. She is family to me as we are both united in the foundation of Christ’s love.
子供― 息子1人
“Growing up, my mother always told me to remember who you are. She always saw something beautiful in me, but as a child, I never could. I was molested from the age of 7 and constantly told I was ugly or not good enough simply because of the darkness of my skin and the roundness of my body.
At times I believed the voices of negativity the world was telling me, But my mama’s words ``remember who you are” reminded me that there is something greater in me. I didn’t know what that was as a child but my journey showed me I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God. God makes no mistakes so never let the world define you or tell you any different. I am beautiful. I am love.”
Children-1 son
This is Keiko, daughter of a priest, my teaching supervisor but most importantly, my friend. She has loved me as her very own.She advocates for women’s empowerment and encourages our students to take a chance on themselves.
After George Floyd was murdered in 2020, racial tensions were high all over the world and the Black Lives Matter march had just finished in Japan. When she heard that a police officer stopped me to question my identity, she became filled with passion, fiercely stood up for me and did not rest until the officers and their supervisors apologized! I am grateful to know her. She is a part of my journey and that will never be erased.
子供― 息子1人
I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the Mothers in Mosaic project.
I am a Buddhist, and the feeling of faith in my heart has protected, encouraged, admonished, forgiven, supported and made me proud for the past 30 years.
Children-1 son
This is Babs. She is my sister in Christ and a fabulous dancer and dance instructor. I am inspired by her kindness, fierceness and love of dance with her son and community. She always tries her best and is very grateful for the opportunities God has provided to her.
Recently, we have been participating in singing in a gospel choir. It is a joy to worship with her. Babs uses her gift of dance to empower women to celebrate and enjoy who they are. We are new friends but she feels like my sister.
子供― 息子1人
“The love that the Lord has for us and his ability to forgive us when we have fallen short from him. I try to exert that same love and forgiveness to other people. I hope my son will be instilled with the same passion and love for others.”
“ 至らないことばかりの私たちに主は愛と赦しを示してくださいました。私も同じ愛と許しを他の人に対して与えるよう努力しています。私の息子もまた、他の人に同じ情熱と愛を注ぐことができるよう願っています。”
Children- 4 sons
Kozue is my sister in Christ and her laugh is joyous. As a teacher and the wife of a pastor, I find encouragement and understanding in talking with her as we often rejoice about what God is doing and what He has done. She never hesitates to greet or to help others.
I look forward to seeing her when I go to church and was even more surprised to learn that we live in the same neighborhood. God knew exactly where to place me in Japan, before I met anyone I know here. I am happy she is part of my experience and God’s family.
子供― 息子4人
コズエ いつも楽しませてくれる神の姉妹。教師であり牧師の妻である彼女との会話では、神が今何をなさっているのか、また何をしてくださったのかを分かち合い、励ましあい、喜び合っている。決して臆することなく誰とでもあいさつを交わし、手を差し伸べる。
I have everything by believing in Christ, the God who has everything but I have nothing.
Therefore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude here. God put my husband by my side to help me, who has nothing.Thanks to that, I learned to enjoy and overcome life together.God comforted me when I was tired of raising children.Thanks to that, I got the patience needed to raise a child.God has put a good teacher by my side because I am lacking.
Thanks to that I got wisdom. When I was mourning because I had no love, God told me, "God is love."God's love covers everything.Because God is love. I have everything in Christ.
Children- 1 daughter
This is Noriko. She is a beautiful mother and the First Lady of New Hope Tokyo, Ochanomizu. She was warm and welcoming the first time I met her and I have always enjoyed talking with her and working side by side with children. She teaches but is always learning, growing and lending herself to help others. I am so grateful to know her.
Because of the church community she helped to build, I was able to stay in Japan feeling supported and knowing that I have a church home here.
子供― 娘1人
Because the Lord loves me unconditionally, I am able to love the way I am and also to love my husband and my daughter as they are. Our Heavenly Father showers me with His blessings and favors so much in my life that I want to bless and help others in a way I am being blessed. He has changed my life for better!
Penny (My Mother)
I was raised by a single mother who relied heavily on her relationship with God to survive. In fact, when I was born, she wrote a letter to God asking Him to help her raise me. We tend to sigh when we hear that someone is a single mother. Though my earthly father chose to be absent from my life, it magnified and highlighted the power, love and faithfulness of my Heavenly Father. This doesn’t negate the fact that negligent parents and family units are destroyed through broken relationships, tragic events, toxicity, or systemic oppression. It does however mean that even in the circumstance of seeming fatherless, we DO have a Father who has loved us before we were conceived. He shows up. He never breaks His promise. AND He left a book of instructions that serve as documentation of His Spirit in the lives of others throughout this earth.
When a mother partners with Him, our Heavenly Father, the relationship becomes supernatural. She learns that her resources are from a supernatural Source. She is a witness to His great love. He initiated His love and she has partnered with the Great One. The very truth is, when any of us partners with the Most High, our relationship is supernatural. We have access to His great love and the privilege of being called His children. He walks with us day by day arranging and guiding our lives according to His will and perfect plan of love.
“My walk with the Lord has provided me with courage, strength, discovery and renewed hope as a woman. My walk with the Lord has provided me with love, guidance, joy, laughter, faith and emotions as a mother.”
Children- 1 daughter and 2 sons
This is my Aunt Cristie. Minister, prophetess, mother, auntie, friend. She is beautiful and real with arms made for hugging life into you. Though she lives in New York and I live in Japan, our bond is strong. She has been supportive and discerning, helping me to stay encouraged and represent the Lord everyday. When she loves, she loves wholly. She has no agenda but to point our attention to our Heavenly Father, that we may walk as sons and daughters of His kingdom.
子供― 娘1人息子2人
“As a woman it has taught me LOVE never dies. My relationship with GOD has authenticated my being. It has caused me to embrace me who HE blueprinted. As HIS daughter, I live out loud in HIS image and likeness, freely.”
“ 女性として、愛は決して死なないと教えられてきた。神との関係は私そのものを造り上げてくれた。神が設計図を描いてくださった自分というものを大切に思うことができた。彼(神)の娘として、彼の描いてくださったイメージと好意を受け、自由にそして存分に自分の人生を生きようと思う。”
Children-1 son, 1 daughter
This is Noriko, my friend and devoted sister in Christ. We absolutely love to talk about God together and marvel at what He is doing. I first met Noriko during a group art exhibition we participated in at the Meguro Museum. She made beautiful paintings and we got to admire each other's artwork. She is an excellent architect and also blessed with the ability to enjoy painting like a fine artist.
I admire her poise, strength, genuine kindness, passion for women’s empowerment and advocacy to love and protect animals. She encourages me to grow in studying God’s word, encourages me to pursue my dreams and appreciate the blessings around me.
子供― 息子1人娘1人
Having 2 children of my own, my concern has always been the welfare of the children of the world. I believe also that every one of us is a child of someone and a precious creation of God. Therefore, I desire to treat others as I hope others would treat my own children. "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Matthew 7:12 / Luke 6:31
Children-2 daughters
This is Tahirih, beautiful friend and sister in Christ. I met Tahirih during a party called The Cookout at the Legacy Lounge in Azabu Juban. She was a guest singer at the party and we connected because we are both New Yorkers. We reminisced about NYC and Brooklyn which made me feel at home.
When she sang on stage I was amazed at how she brought the crowd together. She is supportive, has a kind heart, a great smile and is so easy to talk to. I admire her ability to light up the room and be humble at the same time. She is “girl power”.
子供― 娘2人
“My walk with the Lord has impacted me as a woman & mother with Living In My Purpose. I asked God to set our paths with our natural gifts and talents. God has spoken to my heart to treat others as I want to be treated, Love Thy Neighbor.” I always rest in Psalm 25: “To You Oh Lord I Lift Up My Soul. In You I Trust Oh My God. Do Not Let Me Be Put To Shame Nor Let My Enemies Triumph Over Me..”.
主との歩みは、女性そして母親としての人生の目的に影響を与えてくれました。 私は神にいただいたギフトを用いながら進む私たちの道を整えてくださるようにお願いしました。すると神は、「自分が他人からされたいと思うことを周りの人にもするように。あなたの隣人を愛しなさい」と私の心に語られました。” いつも詩篇25篇より安らぎを得ています:”主よ、わたしの魂はあなたを仰ぎ望み わたしの神よ、あなたに依り頼みます。どうか、わたしが恥を受けることのないように 敵が誇ることのないようにしてください。”
Children-1 son
This is LaTonya, chef, singer, mother, friend and sister in Christ. I first met LaTonya while having a meal at her restaurant, Soul Food House. I thought I was only coming to eat the foods I missed from my home country. Little did I know, the Lord was setting me up to meet my sister in Christ. Over the years we have shared our experiences, dreams, fears and hopes.
We encourage each other to grow and press on and take risks. Her kindness, humility and transparency make her easy to love. Her spirit brings people together from all walks of life. I am grateful to know her. She is family to me as we are both united in the foundation of Christ’s love.
子供― 息子1人
“Growing up, my mother always told me to remember who you are. She always saw something beautiful in me, but as a child, I never could. I was molested from the age of 7 and constantly told I was ugly or not good enough simply because of the darkness of my skin and the roundness of my body.
At times I believed the voices of negativity the world was telling me, But my mama’s words ``remember who you are” reminded me that there is something greater in me. I didn’t know what that was as a child but my journey showed me I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God. God makes no mistakes so never let the world define you or tell you any different. I am beautiful. I am love.”
Children-1 son
This is Keiko, daughter of a priest, my teaching supervisor but most importantly, my friend. She has loved me as her very own.She advocates for women’s empowerment and encourages our students to take a chance on themselves.
After George Floyd was murdered in 2020, racial tensions were high all over the world and the Black Lives Matter march had just finished in Japan. When she heard that a police officer stopped me to question my identity, she became filled with passion, fiercely stood up for me and did not rest until the officers and their supervisors apologized! I am grateful to know her. She is a part of my journey and that will never be erased.
子供― 息子1人
I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the Mothers in Mosaic project.
I am a Buddhist, and the feeling of faith in my heart has protected, encouraged, admonished, forgiven, supported and made me proud for the past 30 years.
Children-1 son
This is Babs. She is my sister in Christ and a fabulous dancer and dance instructor. I am inspired by her kindness, fierceness and love of dance with her son and community. She always tries her best and is very grateful for the opportunities God has provided to her.
Recently, we have been participating in singing in a gospel choir. It is a joy to worship with her. Babs uses her gift of dance to empower women to celebrate and enjoy who they are. We are new friends but she feels like my sister.
子供― 息子1人
“The love that the Lord has for us and his ability to forgive us when we have fallen short from him. I try to exert that same love and forgiveness to other people. I hope my son will be instilled with the same passion and love for others.”
“ 至らないことばかりの私たちに主は愛と赦しを示してくださいました。私も同じ愛と許しを他の人に対して与えるよう努力しています。私の息子もまた、他の人に同じ情熱と愛を注ぐことができるよう願っています。”
Children- 4 sons
Kozue is my sister in Christ and her laugh is joyous. As a teacher and the wife of a pastor, I find encouragement and understanding in talking with her as we often rejoice about what God is doing and what He has done. She never hesitates to greet or to help others.
I look forward to seeing her when I go to church and was even more surprised to learn that we live in the same neighborhood. God knew exactly where to place me in Japan, before I met anyone I know here. I am happy she is part of my experience and God’s family.
子供― 息子4人
コズエ いつも楽しませてくれる神の姉妹。教師であり牧師の妻である彼女との会話では、神が今何をなさっているのか、また何をしてくださったのかを分かち合い、励ましあい、喜び合っている。決して臆することなく誰とでもあいさつを交わし、手を差し伸べる。
I have everything by believing in Christ, the God who has everything but I have nothing.
Therefore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude here. God put my husband by my side to help me, who has nothing.Thanks to that, I learned to enjoy and overcome life together.God comforted me when I was tired of raising children.Thanks to that, I got the patience needed to raise a child.God has put a good teacher by my side because I am lacking.
Thanks to that I got wisdom. When I was mourning because I had no love, God told me, "God is love."God's love covers everything.Because God is love. I have everything in Christ.
Children- 1 daughter
This is Noriko. She is a beautiful mother and the First Lady of New Hope Tokyo, Ochanomizu. She was warm and welcoming the first time I met her and I have always enjoyed talking with her and working side by side with children. She teaches but is always learning, growing and lending herself to help others. I am so grateful to know her.
Because of the church community she helped to build, I was able to stay in Japan feeling supported and knowing that I have a church home here.
子供― 娘1人
Because the Lord loves me unconditionally, I am able to love the way I am and also to love my husband and my daughter as they are. Our Heavenly Father showers me with His blessings and favors so much in my life that I want to bless and help others in a way I am being blessed. He has changed my life for better!